1. Atom comes from word atomos.It is a greek’s word,a- not… tomos-cut / divided.
2. Hence,atomos suggested that,something indivisible / uncuttable to any further.
3. The greek philosopher,Democritus ( 460 B.C – 370 B.C ),initiated theidea,matter is made of indivisible particle/atom.Actually,Democritus did not originate the atomic theory ,he learned it from its founder,Leucipus ,the author of “big cosmology” which,the contents of the book may be obtained from Aristotle.
4. The idea of atom arised in Democritus’s mind as he asked this question :
“If you break a piece of matter in half,and then break it in half again,how many breaks will you have to make before you can break it no further?”
5. Thus,Democritus thought that,it will be ended at some point ,a smallest possible bit of matter.Yet,he called these basic matter particle as atomos / atoms.
6. Democritus believed that,matter is made of “sphere ball” that is uncuttable / minimal quatity of matter.
7. The theory that atom cant be cutted any further stand till the end of 19 century (at the beginning of 20 century) note : 20 century begin 1 january 1901 and ended December 2001.
8. That means,for more than 2000 years,nobody did anything to continue the explorations that greeks had started.
9. Not until the early of 1800’s,people begin ask question regarding the structure of matter.
10.And,by the year of 1897,J.J Thompson had discovered that atom has had internal part,that called electron.. to be continued
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