Sunday 9 October 2011


1. Naturally,anti particles are produced from beta decay. 

a. Beta decay - is one type of radioactive decay that will produce either an electron or a positron. 

b. When electron being emitted,we called it as electron emission,so do to positron,we called it positron emitted. 

i. Electron emission – also known as beta minus decay. 

ii. Positron emission – also known as beta plus decay,which the proton is converted into neutron,and releasing positron and neutrino. 

Inside protons and neutrons, there are particles  (known as elementary particles or fundamentals particles) called quarks. The two most common types of quarks are up quarks, which have a charge of +2/3 and down quarks, with a −1/3 charge 

Isotopes which undergo this decay and thereby emit positrons include carbon-11 ( carbon-11 decays to Boron-11 in every 20.38 minutes). 

c. In the case of electron emission, it is referred to as beta minus ), while in the case of a positron emission as beta plus +). 

d. In electron emission,an electron antineutrino will be emitted, while positron emission will emits an electron neutrino.  

i. Electron antineutrino –  it is antiparticles of electron neutrino. 

ii. Electron neutrino - it is an subatomic particle of elementary particles of lepson.


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